Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Group task of reflecting

Well in the space of 24 hours a lot has happened. I am getting more and more confused over the length and depth of the posts on the discussion board and because there are often so many posts it is hard to read them and really think about them when you have other work to be getting on with. Similarly we still have to decide on our collective feedback for the red group. It appears my template of feedback is going to be used and built upon by the others in the group. I am really pleased by this but cautious as to having to shoulder the responsibility if it is wrong. One member of the group has commented on that the red group was much better and collecting all their ideas together and putting it on one page. I thought this was one of the major criticisms. It just shows how subjective feedback and assessment is.
Today I am going to keep an eye on the posts but to take a more back seat approach as I have a PhD viva examination I am preparing to examine on Monday which will take up most of my day!
However I have been asked to reflect upon 2 things.

Our collective reflections this week can explore:
- an ability to work collaboratively and inclusively online
- knowledge and understanding of the different roles and responsibilities required by individual team members
- commitment to meeting the task deadline

1 comment:

  1. I went with politically correct:

    We maintained the status quo for the group task as I think we were really pleased with the outcome of the wiki and also of the people in the roles. I think last week we worked really well as a team but this week we appear to be losing steam. Whether this is normal or people have lots on, I don’t know. I think we all work well inclusively and exclusively and there are some really important comments coming back from people. I just don’t want them to get ignored or lost within the discussion threads.
    We have set clear deadlines for completing the task and these are vital to keeping our pace up with completing. It is hard though when you do balance lots of balls in the air and you cannot proceed with the task in hand.
    I have been wondering this week if I have been expecting too much from my students in short spaces of time as they must also have other tasks for other subjects.
