Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Angry little devil

Yesterday I wasn't able to get onto the VLE and contribute to the task or see the feedback that the red group gave us for our team task as I was busy at work. However I logged in the morning and I must say I a rather angry little devil. First of all out group task this week is incredible onerous and has to be posted today. Having been out yesterday I was expecting on having to catch up. But no one has posted again. I was actually relishing the opportunity to be late at submitting. Alas tis not meant to be. But I may not actually post anything for I am angry. After last weeks comment by a fellow group member that he felt out of the work as he could not log on till Friday when the work was meant to be completed I was pretty miffed but today pure anger. As the green group we provided informative and important (albeit overally positive) feedback to the red group, even though they did not deserve it. The feedback they gave us was purely negative and criticised the areas which we toned down for them.  I am disappointed that a group who  presented inadequate work, and we went easy on them, could criticise in such a robust manner. I am totally disheartened and at the moment do not want to spend my time of the tasks and will concentrate on other work matters first. Honestly some people do amaze me, and not in a good way!

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