Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Week three's tasks

In this weeks task we have been asked (I think) to design a learning activity for our students using a learning framework. In truth I have no idea what is going on and I cannot get to the bottom of this course at all. I am losing heart with it all because I cannot follow the instructions, I cannot participate in the discussions and despite being on-line logged in and ready to work the instructions are so unclear and imprecise that I cannot fathom what is going on. I am not unintelligent and cannot understand what is going on. OK I am ranting but surely I should be able to grasp it.
I am working with a good group of people and have had a meeting and from what I can tell we are designing a learning activity to teach people about the use of twitter in education. This has nothing to do with the title of the course, preparing on-line courses. I think the course is much more designed for those learning technologist and not those who are actually preparing on-line courses.... I shall not give up though.

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