Wednesday, 29 June 2011

North Group - north by north west....

OK after several discussion posts which made me look very simple indeed I have a list of things that our group is needed to complete by the end of this week. It is Wed today. This list did not come from a tutor - no it came from the group leader who is very good at working out the work required by the course tutor....

1. We will design a learning activity to enable learners to meet the learning objectives we have agreed upon (i.e. the learners are tutors who want to use twitter to make available good quality sources of information to their students).

2. The group needs to decide which technology it will use to teach the task

3. The group needs to design the task based on the AUTC framework

4. The group needs to then create a poster/powerpoint/representation to demonstrate out outputs to Frances.

5. The group then sends a link to this final piece of work, to Frances.

I am meant to be a) specifying the task with the learning by 5pm on Fri and creating an output for the task by Noon Monday...arggggggg

I still don't know what it is we are doing - I am being so stupid. 

One good thing that has come out of this muddle is for me to learn to provide very clear and precise instructions for the students to follow. Honestly I was very close to giving up last night and I have never give up on anything in my life...

Wish me luck as my north group flies north by north west....

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