Thursday, 27 January 2011

Week 1 day 8

One minute to 12 and I am only just getting things in order. I have IT issues and it has made me really consider some major implications of working on-line. The internet went down in Hereford today and I had no access at all. I have just had to sit and wait for it to come back and I have a tutorial on my course on-line later today. I had no way of letting my tutor know about the access issues. This made me really worry about missing things that were happening on-line through course discussion etc... and what impressions it was making of me missing out and not being a slave to being on-line. How would a student feel if this were to happen? How could they contact me? And how could they capture the lost time they were not on-line. All interesting aspects of the transition to on-line learning.
Yesterday was fantastic I was in work and although I love working on-line nothing replaces that human interaction where fresh ideas can be bounced around. What I need to do is to replicate that in the written form.
I suppose that brings us back to the question posed yesterday to which I still have no answer for. I shall ponder this afternoon some more.
I am eager though to start building my new course so that I can have it up and running asap. Very exciting times.
I shall let you know how I get on after my first on-line tutorial this afternoon.

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