Tuesday, 25 January 2011

week 1 - day 7- afternoon

Wow I am really getting addicted to this on-line learning. I have spent the morning replying and responding to the discussion boards on the benefits of e-learning and the ice breaker activities of yesterday. Some points to note and which I must do:

  1. work out a way to record the thoughts from the others in the discussion board - can I print them out?
  2. think about the response of promptness from one of the others on the course. is it good to always respond immediately or is time to reflect better. Am I slave to trying to respond immediate so that I am not thought of as slacking?
  3. Allowing others to do the talking and discussions. I am very verbose and I don't want to appear pushy but on the other hand I am getting a lot of of the discussion so why shouldn't I be contributing as much as I want to. I think I just need to be aware that others do not work at the same pace as me.
  4.  it is occurring to me that for me to teach affectively on-line, I do need a bespoke site this the one I am using now so that the students get the most out of it. I therefore need to talk to the IT guys sooner rather than later.
  5. I need to find a way to disseminate my ideas to my colleagues so we can all get on board.
Mae and I were brainstorming the above thoughts together, she is a very clever spaniel.

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