Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Transformative Education - Multicultural Education - IoC

In week 2 of the course we are looking at Transformative Education - Multicultural Education - IoC. We are to read various papers on the issue and at first glance, I kicked back and thought, we do this in law. How could we not do this in law. How could we not incorporate different social, economic, political, racial, cultural norms into our students education. I read 2 papers from the specific reading list and by chance I read a paper by a friend in the US who sent me it to review for a conference. The paper that I am talking about can be located here: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1433850 Prof Johanna Dennis makes a compounding argument that multicultural education in the US is still not going far enough. My eyes were opened to the fact that law which I link to social, political, economic, cultural, ethical and racial elements is often ignored by curricula. How can this be so? How can we teach law, the protector of rights and values without considering multicultural elements. I thought I was doing ok on this front. That my courses were IoC friendly, that my students were as open minded as I am. This is not to say they are not. I have no evidence either way. However after reading this paper I realise that much more needs to be done.
I thought and was proud that law stood up for those who were often overlooked, ignored because of multicultural issues. However how can we be proud when we are not teaching our students, the lawyers of the future to accept and adapt to these societal changes and transformations. OK I capitulate - I'll read some more accept the ideas and do the work. Idealistic I hear you cry, yes me too for the last couple of weeks but have a read and see what you think then. 


  1. great post! It’s something I have never thought about, really, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing
    IT210 Week 8 Assignment

  2. Great material, I really experienced the insign you carry to the subject, wonderful factors.
    MKT 421 Week 4 Individual Assignment
