Thursday, 6 October 2011

Internationalising your curriculum

Hello again, yes it is that time of year when I go on another course and learn more about on-line teaching. This time it is about internationalising your curriculum. For which I have been given a text entitled "moving towards internationalisation of the curriculum for global citizenship in higher education" by Clifford and Montgomery. It is with tepid anticipation that I embark upon this course due to the dire time I had on the last course. I have indeed started to teach on-line and hopefully some of my course students will follow this blog and comment on thier experiences as well as me blubbering on about my thoughts and feelings towards the course.
Anyway for now adieu and speak more next week. The course starts on the 12th with proper kick off on the 17th!


  1. Hi Clare, my Google alerts found your blog because you mentioned the phrase 'Learning to Teach Online' which I search for. I have recently completed a project wit the same name, and thought since I was led here by happenstance, perhaps you may be interested to take a look for yourself?

    It is a set of video and PDF resources about many different aspects of online teaching, to help people understand how to do it better. Let me know what you think!

  2. Hi Simon, this resource is amazing. I think it has some really useful benefits and I was wondering if you minded if I sent it round to some of my colleagues both at the University and also in the commonwealth. I am head of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association and this is such a valuable tool. Perhaps we could chat some more I am so pleased you found my blog! I look forward to chatting some more.

  3. Clare, tried to send you an email but it bounced. That address it correct I assume?
