Week 4’s task
Open Educational Resources OER’s
- Ideas from Online Learning Task Force Case studies
- Partnerships with professional IT stakeholders to ensure good quality IT links and facilities
- Whole uni and staff buy in to the online learning – it is not piecemeal but productive and effective
- Student buy in – online learning is not seen as a cost cutting measure but as a means of teaching the student better – it is wanted rather than rejected
- Seminars rather than lectures are pre-eminent for online learning
- Synchronous learning as well as asynchronous is seen as important still.
- I like the idea if real time and your time. It makes it feel personal and specific
- 3-5 questions to ask other group about their collaborative opportunities. Apply questions and ideas from task one for these questions. Identify and plan strategies for working collaboratively with stakeholders.
- Locate OER which could supplement the activity of week 3 (twitter) and discuss issues of reusing them.
Open Education resources are digitalised materials offered freely and openly for educators to use and resource. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_educational_resources is this not what a book is for?
JISC and HEFCE project August 2010 -2011 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning/oer.aspx making freely available materials from pilot universities license permitting.
Wikieducator is an international online community project for the collaborative development of learning materials, which educators are free to reuse, adapt and share without restriction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikieducator
Learning4Content wiki project which asks educators to provide materials and time to make information freely and openly available.
Case Studies from HFECE Report 2011 on the integrated use of on-line learning . Read case studies. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/hefce/2011/11_01/
Open University http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=3636 This unit will help you to write a learning unit and provide you with links to various resources for open-learning materials. You will learn about the different purposes of self-instruction and receive advice about the techniques and strategies to help the learner.
Open Educational Resources – Opportunities
and Challenges for Higher Education http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/images/0/0b/OER_Briefing_Paper.pdf